Sunday, July 29, 2007

What Made These Kids Smile Again?

These kids are so gorgeous. They're primary school kids in Cuddalore, India. As bright as they look, I doubt there is a single one of them that wasn't affected by the tsunami 2 1/2 years ago. The lady in the white blouse and yellow sash is a Scientology Volunteer Minister. In fact, she's part of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Mobile Center of Tamil Nadu.

The story of how this center was created is pretty moving. It started with the tsunami. Tamil Nadu is the only French-speaking state of India. Didn't know there was a French area there? Neither did I until the tsunami news started coming out.

Turns out that this part of India was actually a French colony. When India gained independence from Great Britain this region opted to become part of India, but they have continued to be a resort visited by the French and French-speaking people ever since, and tourism and the resort industry was of major importance to the livelihood of the area.

Well, the coastal areas were transformed, if that's the right term (more like obliterated) by the immense tsunami wave that wiped out areas of Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia as well, the day after Christmas 2004.

Some Scientologists from France decided to join the relief effort. Scientology Volunteer Ministers from all over the world were organizing expeditions to South Asia, and the French Scientologists chose Tamil Nadu as the area they would go to. Among these first teams of Scientologists to arrive were Marc and Prisca Arrighi. Seeing the news of how devastated the region was they knew they'd be there for a while, so they packed up their kids and decided to go for the long haul. After being in the region for a while they realized they really wanted to stay, and so they set up this Mobile Volunteer Ministers Center and the rest is history.

Last October at the IAS (International Association of Scientologists) anniversary at Saint Hill in England, Marc Arrighi was on stage accepting an award from David Miscavige (Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center) as an IAS Freedom Medal Winner. What that he has been recognized for longterm stellar social contribution that has made a significant difference to the people he has been helping. The IAS Freedom Medal is a very prestigious award, and Marc certainly earned it.

The photo here, at the top, is a group of kids who recently had a study technology seminar from the Arrighis' group. The kids love these seminars. Amazing. Just remembering back to my school there wasn't much I could get excited about after kindergarten. Well okay, 2nd grade maybe. That's about when the teachers let us know school wasn't supposed to be fun.

The thing about study technology is that it makes learning fun again. It's pretty amazing.

There's an excellent text book that's used by VMs. It's called the Scientology Handbook. There's a chapter on study tech in it. It's all based on discoveries L. Ron Hubbard made when training Scientologists to be able to audit (Scientology term meaning "Listen and compute" which stands for Scientology counseling).

But what it's really all about is these kids. What else is there worth doing but helping people? And these kids really tell the tale with their excitement and friendliness. Don't cha think?

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mr. David Miscavige

Mr. David Miscavige is an outstanding individual and religious leader whose compassion for mankind is tremendous. Using the technology of Scientology from the works of L. Ron Hubbard, he gets positive results on a large scale - throughout the world. His recent release of the Basics, fundamental books and lectures 100% as the Founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard authored them, is a milestone which has already created unprecedented gains for individuals who have studied the materials.

For those who speak the French language, this link takes you to a page in French about Mr. Miscavige, outlining who he is and his accomplishments.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Basic Scientology Information

On the Scientology web site is this statement: "Man is an immortal, spiritual being. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime." It may be hard to conceive, but by study and application of Scientology principles you can actually accomplish just that. Isn't it worth reading a few books by L. Ron Hubbard and learning what this is all about?

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Monday, May 14, 2007

BBC Domuentary on YouTube

While John Sweeney was filming his "Scientology and Me" he was being filmed. Here it is, courtesy of YouTube. I hear they are sending out 100,000 copies of this documentary. Can't think of anyone who deserves it more than Sweeney.

This is 1/3rd of the video.

The whole show is online on Freedom Magazine's web site

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Making Light of John Sweeney's Meltdown describe themselves on their own web site as: "Two London advertising copywriters. One website. A modicum of spare time. It won't end well."

But they just put up the funniest video on YouTube I've ever seen. It's in response to the John Sweeney screamer clip. I'm sure you will see the parallels.

A Banana of all things!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sweeney Again

I'm not really into ranting but I have to admit Sweeney has got me going.

I just found this other video on YouTube where this guy describes how John Sweeney was heckling Travolta at a recent London premiere.

Watch this closely. The guy with his hands to his mouth, shouting at Travolta is none other than BBC Panorama's star reporter.

How can anyone ever take this guy seriously again?

And how can the BBC defend a reporter with this much bias being used to quote investigate as story?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

John Sweeney -- What's Wrong with this Picture?

I just heard about this outrageous video with John Sweeney of BBC's Panorama completely loosing it. I certainly would not have wanted to be on the receiving end of that rant!

What do you think of that?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Contact Assists

There's a very simple Scientology process called a contact assist. Actually, it is so simple, even young kids can (and do) learn it. It's described in the Scientology Handbook. It described exacty what to do if you or someone near you has an accident. It is pretty remarkable how fast you can heal an injury using this!

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Message to Those Affected by the Virginia Tech Massacre

I know what I say here can't do anything to replace your loss, but I am deeply saddened by what happened.

And to any of the countless millions who have been overwhelmed by these events, if you need some help, contact the International Volunteer Ministers Coordinator who can help you find a VM to help you.

If you happened to find my blog and want to help someone, there are some good directions on what you can do on the VM web site.

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Friday, April 06, 2007

Child Psychiatrist Accused Of Molesting Children

Makes my blood boil!

ABC News in San Jose reports:

A well-respected child psychiatrist from San Mateo is in jail this morning, accused of molesting the children he was supposed to have helped over his long career.

What makes these allegations even more outstanding is that the accused child psychiatrist is a man well-known in his field and highly regarded.

The articles goes on to state:

Since the 1980s, the doctor has dodged at least three molestation reports.

In 2005, Ayres and his medical group, Peninsula Psychiatric Associates, settled a molestation lawsuit, in which he never admitted guilt.

If this outrages you too, visit and DO something about it!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Scientology Disaster Relief Team for the Solomon Islands

I was really surprised to realize I had no idea where the Solomon Islands were until I read this story:
Scientology Today: Scientology Disaster Relief Team for the Solomon Islands

I sort of vaguely noticed it when the story of Monday's tsunami hit. I don't even think I would have noticed that if I wasn't atuned to the word because of the Dec 2004 tsunami.

I can hardly imagine the kind of devastation they experienced.

I was really surprised to realize I had no idea where the Solomons were. So I looked it up and found out that one of the there are actually 1000 of these islands, and one of them is caled Guadalcanal. Ring a bell? It was a famous battle from World War II.

I'm so glad a team of VMs is headed out to help these people.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Calorie Counter

Okay. I'm checking out various diet sites. Calorie counting always worked best for me so I found this one (comes up first when you Google "Calorie Counter") and it looks pretty good. You can search for food types, for example Chicken thighs and it brings up a label with the calories and other nutritional facts.

Click on search and you can run a query.

A large apple, according to this, has more calories than a piece of chicken. I was pretty surprised about that.

And the really bad news - how about a slice of cheese cake!


But I guess it's better to know than to stay clueless and fat!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

War in Iraq

Huffington post reports:

According to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, the public is coming out in favor of Murtha's plan. When asked "Would you support or oppose Congress trying to block Bush's plan by creating new rules on troop training and rest time that would limit the number of troops available for duty in Iraq?" 58 percent said they would support such efforts while 39 percent were opposed.

Here's what the Washington Post says:

Majority in Poll Favor Deadline For Iraq Pullout

Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, February 27, 2007; Page A01

With Congress preparing for renewed debate over President Bush's Iraq policies, a majority of Americans now support setting a deadline for withdrawing U.S. forces from the war-torn nation and support putting new conditions on the military that could limit the number of personnel available for duty there, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Opposition to Bush's plan to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq remained strong. Two in three Americans registered their disapproval, with 56 percent saying they strongly object. The House recently passed a nonbinding resolution opposing the new deployments, but Republicans have blocked consideration of such a measure in the Senate.>>>

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Friday, February 23, 2007

Citizens Commission on Human Rights

I am a real fan of CCHR.

Long before I became a Scientologist two things happened that affected me deeply. Both involved close friends being destroyed by psychiatry.

One was my best friend. One day she'd had it with her 4 kids aged 4 - 12 and she lost it -- screaming at them and carrying on. Not cool. Fine. Her husband brought her to the best private psychiatric hospital in town to get help for her. And he signed his okay for shock treatment. 17 in all. Then they put her on thorazine. Boy did that cure her. She would wake up around noon, walk downstairs, maybe get something to eat, sit in the living room for an hour or so, dozing off most of the time, and wander back up to the bedroom. This was a vibrant, beautiful, loving woman. She became a zombee.

I'll tell the other story too, one of these days.

It's one thing for psychs not to know what causes people to act as they do (and if you have any doubt about that, watch the CCHR DVD. You can get a copy at But for them to harm people the way they did my friend.... It was then that I realized this was more than just pretense and quackery. This was destruction.

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Improving Lives

Millions of people all over the world have used Scientology technology to improve their lives and help people. The Scientology Handbook containes the basic Scientology principles and methods most often employed to help people get along better in interpersonal relationships, be more successful in their work, improve their family life and effectively help others do the same. Information on this is at

Monday, February 19, 2007

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Cavalcade

When I'm out on a Scientology Volunteer Ministers cavalcade with my friends, all of us in our bright yellow t-shirts and windbreakers, people often come up and ask us who we are and what we're doing.

What starts out as a casual question, however, often becomes an important change in that person's life. Because it is very rare to find someone who couldn't use a hand with some aspect of their life. (As a matter of fact I'm sure I've never met a person who can't use some help, although not everyone can admit it or accept it, but that's another story.)

The information I've learned in Scientology is so empowering, as it permits me to actually do something for people, whether I'm just meeting them for the first time or I've known them all my life.

No matter the situation, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Scientology Religious Movement

Here is a site that has an overview of the basic principles of the Scientology religious movement along with references.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Solutions to Life Situations

Whatever the life situation is, something can be done about it with the technology of Scientology, because it works - predictably and consistently. This page gives information about it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

How to be a Success at Work

The Scientology Handbook has a chapter on work called Tools for the Workplace, which has very effective steps to make work a pleasure and continual success. Information on this is at

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Drug Solutions

This page on Scientology in the United Kingdom has a very good link on what to do about destructive drugs.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Real Help

The Scientology Handbook has technology that has brought people out of the depths of despair back to life and happiness. The technology works and countless people have improved their lives with it. Anyone who wants to help can be trained in it. Information on this is can be found in

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bringing Effective Help

The Scientology Handbook is a remarkable book that has solutions to life situations. The solutions are simple and can be learned and applied quickly to bring real help. The Scientology Volunteer Ministers use this technology. Information on this is at

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bad News

Did you happen to look at the default news on today?

I couldn't believe it:

A story about how people are finally waking up to Global Warming and are asking "did human beings cause this." (Duuuuh).

Next was a post about the Iraq government being unstable because of the extent of terrorism.

A little further down we read that the Gaza truce has been broken (more deaths)

And then the real capper: "Three-quarters of a trillion dollars in defense spending on Monday, including $245 billion to cover the cost of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Do you realize what we could do with that money if we spent it on things that helped people instead? For example, what if we used it the way Muhammad Yunus used his money, to help people start up their own businesses so they could become independant and support themselves and their families.

All I can say is damn it; it really pisses me off.

Scientology Handbook

This is a handbook of technology that is used throughout the world to bring help and relief to people, solving the problems of life and relationships. Anyone who wants to help people can learn and use it.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mr. David Miscavige Resources

This page is a thorough compilation of resources on Mr. David Miscavige in several languages.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Human Rights in Australia

The Sydney Chapter of Youth for Human Rights International held a youth summit where local students gained a greater understanding of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their responsibilities as citizens to ensure it is honored. See the full story on this at under Scientology News.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

World Situations

There are effective solutions to the worst situations in this troubled world. Those who want to do something about it can learn and use them. Here is a page about it

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Human Rights

See the latest news on making human rights a reality throughout the world at this page

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

UK Scientology Organizations

This page has information on the Churches of Scientology in England and other parts of the United Kingdom.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mr. David Miscavige

This is a very comprehensive and informative page of resources on Mr. David Miscavige.

Mr. David Miscavige

Here is a biographical page about Mr. David Miscavige that describes his work and accomplishments.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Scientology Accomplishments

This is a good page that answers basic questions on what the Scientology religious movement actually accomplishes on a routine basis.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Mr. David Miscavige

This is a great page on Mr. David Miscavige, for whom I have great respect and admiration. It provides a lot of good information on the tremendous work he has done for the Scientology religious movement.

DVD of L. Ron Hubbard

I am so taken with this new DVD of L. Ron Hubbard.

This is like having LRH right there in your living room.

David Miscavige released this at the New Years event three weeks ago, but as incredible as his speech was (as usual) it didn't give justice to how amazing this DVD is.

I have always loved listening to L. Ron Hubbard. From the first taped lecture I heard of him it has always felt like I'm spending an hour with a dear friend.

But SEEING him on the SCREEN, big as life, it's just something you have to experience for yourself. No kidding. qj

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Targets and Goals

The Scientology Handbook has a chapter called Targets and Goals which is very useful information for setting small and large goals and achieving them. That chapter can also be obtained as a separate booklet. Information on this is at

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How to Study

Is there anyone you'd like to help improve their ability to study?

Maybe a child or teenage who is having trouble at school?

Maybe a friend who is having trouble staying up with what's happening in his or her industry because of not being able to read fast or well enough?

Study affects so much of life!

Here's a tip.

There is a chapter in the Scientology Handbook by L. Ron Hubbard that has a chapter on the 3 main barriers to study. Not only that, Mr. Hubbard worked techniques to overcome these barriers.

You could even visit their web site and find out how to use this!

David Miscavige
recently referred to illiteracy as one of the real 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. And with good reason!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Interview Mr. David Miscavige

This is an interesting page about an interview given by Mr. David Miscavige to the St. Petersburg Times in Florida.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Dianetics Video

This video on Dianetics is really good - it shows living proof of the tremendous results gotten with application of Dianetics technology.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Scientology Questions

A good way to get data on Scientology technology and its successful results is to visit the web page

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Scientology in the United Kingdom

A major center of the Church of Scientology in the United Kingdom is in East Grinstead. It is a gorgeous setting with a mansion, castle and beautiful grounds. Information about the services of the Church is at

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ups and Downs

There is a specific cause of ups and downs in life and a solution for it in the Scientology Handbook chapter Overcoming Ups and Downs. Using the information of this chapter one can get off the emotional seesaw of doing well one day and badly the next. More information on this at

Friday, January 05, 2007


The Scientology Handbook includes invaluable information and techniques you can learn to greatly improve your communication. Find out about this at

Thursday, January 04, 2007

An Introduction to Scientology

Everyone needs to know about the DVD An Introduction to Scientology, which is the only filmed interview ever recorded of L. Ron Hubbard. It has been completely restored to excellent quality and is now available in 50 languages. Check into this at

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Scientology Solutions

For information on real solutions to life problems, go to

Good Luck to the New Secretary General

Good luck to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

He is taking on the post at a pivotal time, I think.

It has always been my hope that the UN could bring about peace. It has been very disappointing -- the number of wars over the past 60 years since the UN was created.

And so my best wishes that Ban Ki-moon can bring about the purpose of the UN.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Kirstie Alley and Scientology

Here is a video of actress Kirstie Alley telling about what Scientology did for her.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Human Rights

The Youth for Human Rights website outlines in detail what human rights are, as laid out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The website includes video public service announcements
that portray each one and show with clarity what they really mean.

See this at