Monday, December 15, 2003

In many countries around the world, people have religions of all denominations. I very strongly believe in religious tolerance. There are many beliefs but I think ultimately we are all looking for the same thing, peace on earth and spiritual freedom.
Anyway, in my travels I found these links for an Aussie viewpoint. Here they are:

  • Founding Church

  • Australian Humanities and Arts Links

  • Australian Religion and Beliefs on the Internet

  • Dave Cooke's Links

  • An Interesting Religion

  • Dianetics In Aussie

  • and even some Yahoo pages

  • Yahoo Scientology Page

  • Scientology News and Media

  • Friday, November 21, 2003

    In Clearwater Florida, there are many Scientology volunteers that do everything from litter pickups to helping set up Winter Wonderland. They have a great little site that gives more info about what they do:

    Scientology Clearwater Volunteers

    It is great to see people, similar to myself, out there selflessly helping to improve the community. They are to be commended for their work!

    Friday, October 24, 2003

    I can't believe its a whole week since I made an entry. Okay, well I guess its not a big shock seeing how busy this week was.

    Now I have a new friend and I love her blog, it is so pretty: Diane's Blog

    I have met lots of interesting people in the last week. They are people who follow my interest: people.

    I have another quote -

    "A man is as alive as he can communicate,” L. Ron Hubbard wrote. And communication is a facet of life which he explored very deeply indeed, ultimately writing hundreds of thousands of words about this vital subject. Communication skills are essential in any sphere of human interaction. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the sole activity all people share.

    The benefits of effective communication are too numerous to list, for they enhance all aspects of life from the personal to the professional. The ability to communicate is vital to the success of any endeavor.

    There is more about the subject of communication at this page here: What is Communication

    Friday, October 17, 2003

    I have been badly neglecting my blog and now I need to catch up somewhat. In the course of my usual tripping around the Net I found another Scientologist who has a newish/not complete site yet: Scientology Religion Member Page

    This quote from the Scientology Handbook sums it up for me:

    "Millions of people all over the world have used Scientology to improve their lives and help their fellows. This handbook contains the basic Scientology principles and methods most often employed to help people get along better in interpersonal relationships, be more successful in their work, improve their family life, and effectively help their friends, family and associates do the same.

    "Scientology does not require that one change his or her beliefs or convictions to use it successfully. All you have to do is apply the data and observe for yourself whether or not it works. You as you are now, can do more good for yourself and for those around you than you ever imagined, and gain enormous personal satisfaction doing it. "

    -- from the Scientology Handbook

    Monday, October 06, 2003

    Well, I was taking a look around the web today and as I like to go exploring and checking things out, I found a funny name that I thought was interesting.

    This site,, you might like to look at the the links yourself:
  • David Miscavige Links

  • Church of Scientology Links

  • That's it for now.

    Tuesday, September 30, 2003

    Some people who I know are true humanitarians, they use the philosophy of L. Ron Hubbard to help others:
  • Mr. David Miscavige

  • Mr. Mark Rathbun
  • Thursday, September 18, 2003

    I have a whole bunch of friends that have started blogs. It is such a cool idea.
    Here are some blogs to see:
  • Equivoque

  • Eclectic

  • Grahame's Blog
  • Tuesday, September 09, 2003

    Another day and yet another opportunity to help another.

    My friend has had her operation and I am trying to find out how she
    is doing so we can go out to her.

    I am sure she will get in touch with me soon.

    In the meantime I found another blogger who is brand new and was able to help him.

    freebeing's blog

    Tuesday, September 02, 2003

    I have a friend who is about to get an operation and I am really concerned that she gets the care that she needs, therefore I am going to have a Scientology Volunteer Minister to go out to her and help her recover.

    This is the link to the Scientology Volunteer Minister's web site: Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Action

    Tuesday, August 05, 2003

    I think its always good to hear what other people have to say. There is plently of negativity around however, if you are interested in what other people have experienced, here are some other views about Scientology.

    Scientology musician in Sydney

    Sydney girl in Scientology

    Scientology Success

    Friday, March 14, 2003

    Whether you are suffering from worries, sorrow or fear, are upset, or simply just want to talk to someone, we are always here to listen and understand and provide practical help.
    We are ready to help you resolve problems in all areas—children, personal conflict, anguish or upset and emotional shock, substance abuse, learning problems—you can count on a Scientology Volunteer Minister to help you do something about it.

    Call at 1-800 HELP 4-YU or e-mail us at

    Scientology Volunteer Ministers

    Tuesday, February 18, 2003

    This is my introductory posting in my new blog.
    Here is one of my favorite sites:

    Scientology helps parents and kids