No. We actually better do something about the cause of crime, or things will just continue to deteriorate.
My mom tells how they didn't used to have to lock their doors. Sounds like a myth.
There is a really effective program called Criminon that gets to the underlying cause of crime.
The Scientology web site says this about it:
Three decades of growth in America’s prison population has brought the nation to a sobering threshold: one in every 100 adults in the United States is now confined behind bars. The total prison population is now 2.3 million, the highest number in the world, followed by the much more populous nation of China with 1.5 million. The cost of maintaining the US prison system topped $49 billion in 2007, up from $12 billion in 1987. The figures speak for themselves. And considering the 80 percent recidivism rate, there is desperate need for a workable technology that delivers true and lasting rehabilitation of criminals who can become productive members of society.
No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of