Monday, May 14, 2007

BBC Domuentary on YouTube

While John Sweeney was filming his "Scientology and Me" he was being filmed. Here it is, courtesy of YouTube. I hear they are sending out 100,000 copies of this documentary. Can't think of anyone who deserves it more than Sweeney.

This is 1/3rd of the video.

The whole show is online on Freedom Magazine's web site

No matter how bad it is, Something CAN Be Done About It!
Learn how with the Scientology Handbook based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard

Making Light of John Sweeney's Meltdown describe themselves on their own web site as: "Two London advertising copywriters. One website. A modicum of spare time. It won't end well."

But they just put up the funniest video on YouTube I've ever seen. It's in response to the John Sweeney screamer clip. I'm sure you will see the parallels.

A Banana of all things!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sweeney Again

I'm not really into ranting but I have to admit Sweeney has got me going.

I just found this other video on YouTube where this guy describes how John Sweeney was heckling Travolta at a recent London premiere.

Watch this closely. The guy with his hands to his mouth, shouting at Travolta is none other than BBC Panorama's star reporter.

How can anyone ever take this guy seriously again?

And how can the BBC defend a reporter with this much bias being used to quote investigate as story?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

John Sweeney -- What's Wrong with this Picture?

I just heard about this outrageous video with John Sweeney of BBC's Panorama completely loosing it. I certainly would not have wanted to be on the receiving end of that rant!

What do you think of that?