Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Successes of Scientology

If one honestly avails himself of the technology and sincerely applies himself to gain the benefits offered, there are apparently no limits to what can be achieved.

(From the book What is Scientology?)

The Role of the Scientology Volunteer Minister

A very interesting article by L. Ron Hubbard

We are today at a watershed of history and our actions today will decide whether the world goes up from here or continues to slide into some new dark age.

It is important to understand bad conditions don’t just happen. The cultural decay we see around us isn’t haphazard. It was caused. Unless one understands this he won’t be able to defend himself or reach out into the society with effectiveness.

A society is capable of surviving for thousands of years unless it is attacked from within or without by hostile forces. Where such an attack occurs, primary targets are its religious and national gods and heroes, its potential of leadership and the self-respect and integrity of its members.

Probably the most critical point of attack on a culture is its religious experience. Where one can destroy or undermine religious institutions then the entire fabric of the society can be quickly subverted or brought to ruin.

Religion is the first sense of community. Your sense of community occurs by reason of mutual experience with others. Where the religious sense of community and with it real trust and integrity can be destroyed then that society is like a sand castle unable to defend itself against the inexorable sea.

For the last hundred years or so religion has been beset with a relentless attack. You have been told it’s the “opiate of the masses,” that it’s unscientific, that it is primitive; in short, that it is a delusion.

But beneath all these attacks on organized religion there was a more fundamental target: the spirituality of man, your own basic spiritual nature, self-respect and peace of mind. This black propaganda may have been so successful that maybe you no longer believe you have a spiritual nature but I assure you you do.>>

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Scientology is a twentieth-century religion. It comprises a vast body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths, and prime among those truths: Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisages. He is not only able to solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but also to achieve new states of awareness he may ever have dreamed possible.

I have found this to be true 100% for myself. I highly recommend finding out about it and using it.

Monday, October 23, 2006

England - the Center of the Scientology World this weekend

What a great weekend for Scientologists in England and Europe - Four huge events packed into a four-day weekend no one will ever forget.

It started with the IAS event on Friday. I couldn't get my friends who were there to tell me who won the IAS Freedom Medals but they told me that David Miscavige's speech was awesome and that the whole event totally smoked.

The next day was a full-days-worth of seminars on human rights, our volunteer ministers programs, anti-drug activities, psych busting and the Way to Happiness. Again, my friends couln't stop raving about them (without telling me anything substantial about them, as they insist I need to get that information when I go this coming weekend in Los Angeles.

Then Sunday was the Grand Opening of the Church of Scientology of London.

Here's a posting I found on that.

What a Day in London and What a Weekend! David Miscavige Dedicates New Church

"We are about to drive home the message ‘This is Scientology ‘ like you have never seen," said David Miscavige , chairman of the Church of Scientology (sic.) [David Miscavige is actually the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center.]

So reports Robert Booth on Saturday in the Sunday Times - a story that got picked up internationally.

And Sunday’s grand opening was everything Mr. Miscavige promised.

The Scientology Press Office announces the news as follows:

With thousands of Scientologists, local residents and officials in attendance, the new Church of Scientology of London opened its doors.

Mr. David Miscavige , Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center and leader of the Scientology religion , stressed the historical importance of London. "This is the city L. Ron Hubbard himself [founder of the Scientology religion] selected as home to the first Scientology organization. This is also the city wherein he first defined the human spirit as an immortal being possessed of capabilities beyond anything predicted, and so arrived at the axiomatic truths on which the whole of Scientology is founded. Your early London organizations were also the original proving ground for the bulk of Mr. Hubbard’ s social betterment programs which are used to uplift neighborhoods just like this one."
And finally, today is (was) the Charity Ball ( which I haven't heard about yet).

I can't wait till this weekend when I get to see the event myself.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Bringing effective help to the community

This web site is a good description of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Bringing effective help to the community

Over the past few years there has been a dramatic increase in the work of the VMs all over the world.

I think the real point where the program took off was when hundreds of Scientologists came to New York to help after the 9/11 catastrophe.

People realized that as a Volunteer Minister, their help was extremely valuable. Those who went got first-hand certainty that the motto of the Volunteer Ministers was actually true. You couldn't have a worse scenario that being in the pit at Ground Zero, surrounded by the ever-present reminder of man's inhumanity, and yet caring for the true heroes, whose only motivation was to find any survivors and save lives.

I know that I, personally, had a real change from that, and have become much more active as a Scientologist> since.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kid Safe Search

Here's a page on SearchEngine Watch that gives the following resources for parents who are concerned about what their kids are running into on the Net:

Major Children's Guides

Filtering OptionsOther Children's Search Engines

Filtering and Blocking SoftwareRelated Articles

Another excellent resource is the Open Directory Project Kids and Teens section

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Child Soldiers in the Congo

According to Amnesty International there are as many as 11,000 Congolese child soldiers still missing

GOMA, Congo (Reuters) -- Children in Congo are still being recruited by armed groups and authorities are not doing enough to stop ex-child soldiers being sucked back into a life of violence and abuse, Amnesty International said on Wednesday.

The rights group said in a report at least 11,000 children in Democratic Republic of Congo were still in the hands of rebel or militia gangs or unaccounted for three years after the end of a war in which they were captured and forced to fight.

This was in spite of a program launched by Congo's government two years ago to release child soldiers and reintegrate them into civilian life in the vast, former Belgian colony, Amnesty said.

"As long as the government and the international community continue to fail to meet the needs of released children, these children are at risk of being quickly redrawn into armed forces or armed groups -- or of being abandoned to an impoverished and forlorn existence," said Tawanda Hondora, deputy director of Amnesty's Africa program.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Literacy, Test Scores and Solutions

An Oct. 7 ABC News report stated that "at a growing number of the country's best liberal arts colleges … the SAT college admissions test has outlived its usefulness."

There are several aspects to this problem:

1. When teachers put all their energy into helping their kids pass tests, this is not necessarily preparing them to be able to do well in life or in higher education.

2. Test scores have been declining steadily despite tons of money being poured into the system.

There needs to be a technology of study to pull this out of the headspin it's in.

Study technology, developed does in fact, exist.

It was developed by L. Ron Hubbard when he found that education levels simply were inadequate for people to get the skill required from their Scientology training.

A simple outline of it is available through the Scientology Handbook.

Applied Scholastics International
is a secular program that provides training in study technology to educators, mentors, tutors and parents.

With this technology not only do test scores improve but so does actual performance.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Volunteer Firemen

Some interesting statistics:

73 percent ... of all firefighters in the United States are volunteers
76 Volunteer firefighters died in the line of duty in the U.S. in 2004
$37.2 billion How much money volunteer firefighters save local governments across the country each year
21,671 ... fire departments in the country are all-volunteer, out of 30,542 total

Sunday, October 15, 2006


For the most informative data on drugs with documented data on what they really do to people and what can be done about it, search on the Internet. This is a serious eye opener.

Bono and Oprah shop for Africa

What a clever idea!

Campaigning rocker Bono and talk show host Oprah Winfrey joined forces to shop for Africa in Chicago, Illinois on Thursday.

The famous friends embarked on a high-profile shopping trip to publicise the new Red clothes, accessories and gadgets, with sales proceeds going towards fighting AIDS in Africa.

After buying Gap's special Red line in downtown Chicago, the pair went to an Apple store and bought the Red iPod music player.

Other companies introducing special Red lines for the scheme include Motorola Inc, Converse Inc and Emporio Armani.

Bono enthuses: "Some people won't put on marching boots, so we've got to get to people where they are at, and they're in the shopping malls.

"Now you're buying jeans and T-shirts, and you're paying for 10 women in Africa to get medication for their children with HIV.>>

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Well Deserved Nobel Peace Prize

At a crowded press conference at his Grameen Bank, Dr Yunus expressed the hope that the political leaders would transform the united celebration of winning the Nobel Prize by the people into politics and take the nation forward.

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has said that the award of the coveted Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Muhammad Yunus of the Grameen Bank is a fitting recognition of the innovative banking concepts and the remarkable services rendered by him in alleviating poverty not only in Bangladesh but also in many other developing and developed countries.

Extending heartfelt felicitations to Dr. Younus on Saturday, the Prime Minister said that the prize is not only an honour for Dr. Younus and Bangladesh but for the entire developing world.

He said that the innovative methods of micro financing introduced by Dr. Younus has helped millions of people across the world to pull them out of the vicious circle of poverty on self help basis.

Prime Minister said that the remarkable thing about Dr. Younus's approach is that by helping people help themselves, he not only makes them financially independent but also t the same time instills a sense of pride in them to become proud and productive citizens.

He stated that Pakistan has tremendously benefited from the Grameen Model and he is personally grateful to Dr. Younus for his constant help in introducing micro credit in Pakistan.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Freedom from Want

I found this in YouTube and thought it was something to share:

It is pretty shocking how many people on earth suffer from the lack of the lack of the most basic things needed for survival.

Especially at a time when there is no shortage of food or supplies to care for this.

It is up to each of us to ensure that Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is brought about for all.

This video was produced for Youth for Human Rights International by the Church of Scientology International Human Rights Office.

What do you think we should do, to make this happen?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Another Good Chapter

Another chapter of the Scientology Handbook is the chapter on Marriage

If you could calculate how much heartache there is in one failed marriage and multiply that by all the marriages-gone-bad in just the last few weeks it would .... I couldn't figure out the end of that metaphore, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

Monday, October 09, 2006

There is an aspect of Scientology technology on raising a child to be happy, sane, responsible, moral and successful in life. I learned that technology and used it from the beginning of my daughter's life. She is now a young woman of 21 years who is happy, sane, responsible, moral, lives life with vigor and enthusiasm, has lots of friends and is consistently successful in anything she sets out to do.

I can say with complete certainty that this technology works. The Scientology Handbook chapter Children is a good source of data on this.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Helping People for Real

Did you know that any individual who wants to effectively help people and achieve consistent positive results doing so can be rapidly trained to do this as a Scientology Volunteer Minister? They can. The training is given at Churches of Scientology.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Helping Kids

If you are running into any trouble with your kids, I really recommend reading the articles on the Scientology Handbook on children.

They are very simple. You might even think they are TOO simple. But boy do they work.

So if you do need some help, check it out. Here a link to that section of the site.

Scientology Assists

The Scientology Handbook has a chapter on Assists for Illnesses and Injuries. An assist is undertaken to help a person confront physical difficulties.

I had a situation years ago with shooting pains occurring in the calf of one leg. It felt like jolts of electricity going through the leg and the problem kept getting worse. After several weeks of this I had trouble walking on the leg.

I started getting Nerve Assists. These assists improved my communication with the body, particularly in relation to the nervous system and brought relief. After about 10 days of receiving daily Nerve Assists at about 1/2 hour each day, the shooting pains entirely disappeared and never returned. This is the effectiveness of Scientology technology. This and other Scientology assists are simple and can be learned and applied easily.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Scientology Handbook

The Scientology Handbook has an excellent chapter on children.

One of the ironic and tragic aspects of our national (and international) crime of putting our kids on a schedule 2 narcotic (Ritalin) to handle a "disorder" no one can test for or prove (and that, for ages past, has been called "childhood" not quote ADHD), is that with a brief study of 20 or so pages of the Scientology Handbook it wouldn't be necessary.

The chapters of the book have been published separately as booklets, so you don't even have to buy the whole book.

There are simple procedures anyone can learn in 1/2 and hour or so that help calm a child down when he or she is upset, help direct his attention, and get him/her interested in the environment and out of whatever odd behavior he/she might be into.

And for the lack of this knowledge we're setting our kids up to be addicts the rest of their lives, altering their personality, and wrecking their and our own futures.

And the money keeps pouring in to the drug companies.