Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I found some interesting sites that have good information on Scientology.

Ontario Consultants on Relgious Tolerance - Scientology This is run by a fellow named B.A. Robertson who has information on many religions and has excellent research that debunks myths about religions, helping to foster tolerance by defusing prejudice. His entry on Scientology is very thorough and clear.

Selectsmart - Scientology . Selectsmart provides various "selectors" which are quizes or questionaires on various topics, such as who is the Presidential candidate who most closely matches your own political and social views, what job is right for you, and what religion most closely aligns with your beliefs. This particular page on Scientology lists out some of the basic principles of the Scientology religion.

Scientology (CESNUR): CESNUR stands for Center for Studies on New Religions. Information on this site is available in English, Italian, French and Spanish. It presents factual information on new religions including copies of court decisions and other legal information, as well as essays and news articles.

Allexperts Scientology This site provides experts on many different subjects, who will answer questions submitted by site visitors. These experts cover such diverse fields as sports, education, kids, money, and the various religions and beliefs. This page provides experts on the subject of the Scientology religion. They are all very experienced Scientologists and they answer questions with reference to the writings of Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Very helpful.

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